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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nike Women's Race 7k

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I ran my first race in Korea. I trained for about six weeks with my lovely friend, Jamie, and we made our goal of finishing in under an hour! 55:40, baby!

As I approached the finish line, I was quite pleased to see the clock telling me I was under an hour because I was having my doubtful moments during the run. There were much more uphills than I had planned for while training. Maybe I shouldn't have avoided going uphill during training. hah. But, I will tell you, I am very pleased with myself. In February, I wasn't working out at all. ever. In March, I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and a couple weeks after that we started training for the race. There's a huge difference in my physical endurance between February and now. It's a great feeling.

We felt like cattle for a while. There were so many people crammed together. I told Jamie during the race that if we didn't finish in an hour, I was blaming it on the crowds who were walking.


My wonderful husband and awesome supporter.

Overall, it was a great experience. I mean, how many people can say they ran their first race in Korea? I do think it will be a different experience running in America though. There would be Korean women who would sprint for a little bit and then stop to fix their makeup. Ridiculous. haha

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