Have I told you how much I appreciate the fact that the grocery store is right across the street? I have been there so many times that the little Korean ladies who work the registers know who I am. Well, that could be because we are probably the only white people who go to that supermarket. lol. Anyways, for those who know me, I am a very forgetful person. So, when I go grocery shopping, I need to have a list or I will probably forget something. That's happened to me twice since we've been here, and thankfully when I got back to the apartment and realized it, all I had to do was cross the street again.

Well, today was an adventurous trip to the supermarket. Teaven has been sick this morning, so I decided to go get him some sprite and other things we needed for dinner. When I opened the door, I realized it was pouring rain, something that happens often here, but I'm not quite used to this much rain. Well, in our apartment building, the floor and stairs outside the apartment are made of marble or some other type of stone that becomes very slippery when wet. So, picture this, I'm headed to the grocery store, umbrella in hand, Old Navy flip flops on my feet. When I get off the elevator, I know to walk very carefully because it's wet and slippery, which is only made worse by the fact that I'm wearing Old Navy flip flops, shoes with no friction at all.

Anyways, I made it safely past the marble stairs and quickly went back to listing what I needed to get at the store so that I wouldn't forget anything. As I was watching a young Korean woman try to cross the street without stepping in a puddle, I slip and almost bust my butt. You see, on the edge of some of the sidewalks is that same gray marble. Unfortunately for me, I didn't even think about it until I slipped and caught myself from falling on my butt. So, I quietly laughed it off and looked around to see if anyone saw. The young Korean lady was walking my way, but she didn't let on that she saw anything. So I walked on as if nothing had happened, and when I got back to the apartment, I told Teaven. He laughed, of course. :) Then, I realized I forgot bread and begrudgingly headed back out into the rain on the very familiar path to the grocery store. This time I didn't slip.
Oh Sarah. Ha ha ha. Love you.
ReplyDeleteYou should of entitled this post slippery when wet lol. I slip all the time too because I refuse to wear sneakers in the rain.