I am currently working on a list of things that the students say in class. Sometimes, they make me laugh really hard, and I want to be able to remember what they say but by the time I am done with school, I completely forget. So, I've got a post-it in my basket that I carry to every class to write down the things they say, so I can share these awesome kids with you.
Yesterday, in one of my classes I showed the students a video from National Geographic of the life cycle of a butterfly. About halfway into the video, the students start saying, "Oh, very delicious. Very delicious." Even with my limited knowledge of the culture here, this comment shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. I just don't expect kids to call a butterfly or caterpillar delicious. That is not my idea of a good meal. However, Koreans, especially the kids love to eat these bugs (forgot what they are called).

The kids here eat them like snacks, apparently, and Teaven and I had the opportunity to try them a couple of weeks ago. We went out to dinner with our friends, Jamie and Brian, at a local bbq place that I like. Each time you go out to a restaurant like this, they will bring you an array of different side dishes, and to our luck, this time we got those little bugs. Teaven hated them, but I didn't think they tasted as bad as I thought they would. I mean, if I thought dirt tasted good, I would love these suckers. Let's just say, we won't be enjoying them as much as our students do. It's just one of those things you have to grow up eating. Like candy corn. Who doesn't like candy corn, right? At the Halloween party, some of our students had the opportunity to try it, and they did not like it. Wow, did I really just compare bugs to candy corn?
Here are some pictures from the Halloween party we had with the school. First, we took the students on a "parade" around the neighborhood to try and promote our school. Then, the party began. We had face painting, balloon animals, bobbing for "apples" (which were really oranges because apparently the apples were too big and expensive), musical chairs, and pumpkin bowling. I didn't get as many pictures as I would have like because I was busy face painting the whole time. Oh, I forgot to mention that we brought Sader, who was Mickey Mouse for the day, to help socialize him a little better. He was the most popular thing there! All the students loved playing with him, and he loved the attention, although I think it may have freaked him out a little.
Sader's Mickey Costume |
Sader was so tired from all the attention that he curled up in her lap. When she wanted to leave, I would here, "Teacher, Teacher, help me!" It was so cute. |