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Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun Things Ahead

It's finally happening. I'm finally working towards a goal I've been dreaming about for a long time. A goal I've been terrified about but secretly longing for. 

That's right. I've entered a 7k race. My friend, Jamie, and I have started training for it, and I'm so thankful I have her doing this with me. You see I have this problem of not believing in myself. But this is the time where I'm working to change that. Already this year, I've accomplished a huge goal that I set for myself over a year ago. I finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It's hard for me to see my progress sometimes when I'm outside running and wind up having to walk because it gets too hard. But when I think that just a couple of months ago, I could barely make it 3 minutes without stopping, I consider this an accomplishment. I need to remember these little "accomplishments" on my way so that I don't become so discouraged with myself. My goal is to run this race without stopping, but even if I do have to walk, I will be content knowing I finished, knowing I've accomplished yet another physical goal. 

In other exciting news, guess what Teaven and I will be doing for our 1st anniversary...

We're going to see Wicked! Teaven's already seen it, but I haven't. We're both super excited about it. Don't worry, it's the Australian tour, so it will be in English. 

See, didn't I tell you our lives would get more exciting once the weather got warmer? So much to look forward to. 

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