The beautiful mountain just outside our apartment:
We wanted to visit Lotte (lo-tay) Mart, which is similar to E-mart, but apparently Koreans prefer it. In my opinion, Lotte Mart is to Walmart as E-mart is to Target. Naturally, I prefer E-mart. Lotte Mart was much more crowded, but we did find the bus station there, which will be useful later on when we venture out of the city. We bought some of our items and went back to our apartment to drop them off before going to dinner and a movie. We ate at a Korean BBQ place close to our school that we heard was very good. Thankfully, the other foreign teachers told us exactly what to order, so we didn't have any problems with that. I enjoyed the food very much. I mean, how can you go wrong with grilled beef?
After dinner, we took a cab to TTC, the movie theater here in Chungju. It was a very interesting part of town, and I wished I had taken pictures. However, we didn't have enough time to stroll, and we had to figure out how in the world to get into the movie theater since it wasn't clearly marked. We did see two other foreigners. That's a big deal in our town. We saw Transformers 3, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I had enjoyed it. Then we took a cab home, which is always an adventure because we still don't know how to tell the cab drivers where we live. This time he started driving before I could even attempt to tell him or show him the picture. Overall, it was a very fun day.
Teaven wanted me to mention that Koreans are very healthy people. They eat healthy and walk every where. Except, it seems like everybody here smokes. It's gross.
Oh, and we also attempted to wash our clothes for the first time. We pushed a bunch of random buttons and prayed they didn't shrink or turn different colors. Thankfully, nothing dramatic happened. However, I did learn that I must use liquid fabric softener because our clothes are very stiff and crunchy.
For me, personally, I am still trying to find my place here. Sometimes I have a hard time being content with all this change. For a small town, Texas girl, it's a lot to take in all at once, graduated, married and in a foreign country all in a matter of three months. Somedays, I get very homesick. But no matter what I am thankful for this grand adventure God has sent us on. I am thankful that we both have jobs and that I have an amazing husband who loves me no matter how many times I break down and cry. It's already been an amazing journey for me spiritually, especially since it looks like our spiritual community will be lacking very much this year. I am excited for all I have to learn this year, for I know it is a lot. I can already feel that God has some phenomenal things to teach me if only I will listen and not fight him. As I sat down to work on some school work, some words from a Chris Tomlin song stood out to me.
There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"