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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sader's Birthday

This weekend we had summer vacation for our academy, which means we have Friday and Monday off! So, on Friday, we decided to have a special day to celebrate Sader's 1st birthday.
We took Sader hiking on a local mountain called Namsan. Let me tell you, he LOVED it so much.
His little nose was going crazy with all the new smells. He loves to play in the grass.

He was always in front of us, but every once in a while, he'd turn around to make sure we were still there. He's the best dog. Seriously. Can you tell how happy he was?

Then, we decided to take him to Star Dogs Pet Cafe, a local coffee shop that is for dogs too! We thought it would be a good idea because he's so playful and needs to be socialized with other dogs.

Well, as you can see from this picture, he was completely terrified. He's practically hugging Teaven, seeking some type of protection. 

I'm almost embarrassed for him to post this picture, but as you can see, at first they made him wear this diaper, which I think took away some of his coolness factor. I mean, you're the new kid, and if you want to make friends, the last thing you want to do is look like that. Absolutely pitiful.

Another thing I feel I should tell you, is Sader has serious butt issues. You get anywhere close to his butt and he flips out. Of course, I'm sure you know that when dogs greet each other, they tend to head straight for that area. So, I'm sure he about had a heart attack.

There were so many dogs! I'd say at least 15. Kind of intimidating for your first time. 

Towards the end, he started to warm up, especially since I took that silly diaper off him. Let's just say, I think our dog is a little socially awkward. Boy, is he in for a surprise when we move back to America.

Overall, I'd say it was a good day. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Korea Bucket List

I suppose it's time for an update since my last post left everyone on the edge of their seats. hah.

Teaven and I did not get the jobs back in Texas. It was a little disappointing at first but not entirely surprising since we live on a different continent. We are at peace knowing that God is in control and trusting in his plan for us to stay here for about eight more months. No matter what, we are thankful to have jobs.

So, since we've set our final departure date, I decided to make a bucket list for Korea.

Korea Bucket List

Learn how to make Korean food 
Fireworks festival (in October)
Go to the beach
Reach goal weight
Chinchin fish (Somehow, I've got to convince Teaven to do this with me. They are little fish that eat the dead skin off of your feet)
Go to a Korean church service
Star Dogs Pet Cafe (hopefully taking Sader tomorrow)
Take Sader to Namsan
Chungju Lake Ferry
Dangyang Caves
Take a picture with a Chungju Apple
Learn more Korean

Here is a list of some of the things we've already done:
Chungju Martial Arts Festival
Namsan Tower, Seoul
Baseball Game
Buy a dog
Love Motel
First Race
Learn to read Korean

I'm looking forward to our last months here. Sure, it's hard to be away from family, but it's been really nice to have so much quality time with each other. Plus, I'm going to appreciate the fact that I can sleep in every day of the week. That's right. Every. Single. Day. mmm, what a luxury!